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16 June 2021

comparative literature theory

Share to Tumblr. ence of comparative literature and its insistence on understanding literature in its original language. Feminist literary criticism. ECT founder and guiding light, Professor Ken Reinhard. Christina Parker-Flynn. There are three concentration tracks and requirements: • Track 1: Comparative Literature in Two Languages • Track 2: Comparative Literature in Three Languages • Track 3: Literary Translation At Brown, the Department of Comparative Literature is distinct in its conviction that literary research and instruction must be international in character. Literature is news that stays news. The Graduate Program in Literature (GPL) endeavors to train future scholars in theory and global culture. Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. Aesthetics Comparative Literature Critical Theory and Cultural Studies Feminist Theory And Gender & Sexuality Studies Film and Media Studies Literature and Philosophy Media Studies Modernism Posthumanism Visual Culture and Arts. Stuck on your essay? The oldest journal in its field in the United States, Comparative Literature explores issues in literary history and theory. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. Comparative Literature: Theory, Method, Application. Assistant Professor. Comparative and World Literature Comparative Media Studies Critical Studies of Race, Gender, and Sexuality Literary Theory and Translation Studies Literature, Science, and the Environment Politics and Aesthetics Psychoanalysis and Trauma Studies Transregional and … T 2:00-4:50pm. A concentration in Comparative Literature is an excellent foundation for further work at the graduate level. It also prepares students to work in any field where critical thinking, strong writing skills and foreign-language competence and a sophisticated understanding of cultural difference and diversity are called for. Since 1990s, the theory and practice of comparative literature have been suffering from serious attacks. Comparative Literature concentration program. The seminar is designed to be a space of exploration for finding your own critical centers of gravity in robust dialogue with your peers, forming graduate community, and to be helpful in the long term for graduate students in literary disciplines with comparative interests. Share to Twitter. Course Title: Argument, Rhetoric, and Persuasion in Ancient China and Greece. expand and transform comparative literature limited to Europe into a system covering Western and Eastern civilization, and finally form comparative literature covering the whole world (Ibid.). Professor / Department Chair Students motivated to understand literature in the broadest terms or those interested in particular examples of literary comparison will find an intellectual home in Comparative Literature. Prof. Lisa Raphals. Comparative literature and literary theory: survey and introduction Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. These lectures bring some of the most well-known and influential thinkers working in the fields of literary criticism and philosophy to the department to … Sophie Fiennes, 2012). Evolution Of Comparative Literature Essay. Reading, understanding, and enjoying literature from various countries, in different forms of expression (e.g., dramatic, lyric, narrative, rhetorical) and of representative periods. Many of us feel that comparative literature should include both poles of the poststructural-theory-versus-cultural-studies debate - but not de-fine itself exclusively as either. Comprehensive Exam Reading List Revised 2011 To MALLT students concentrating in Comparative Literature: You are required to develop a reading list of thirty-five to forty works for your Comprehensive Exams, in conjunction with your major professor and the other members of your examining committee. AREAS OF RESEARCH/INTEREST. And yet, braving contradiction, we title this chapter “Comparative literature as interliterary theory.” Emphasis on the comparative study of themes and motifs common to many literatures of the world. It is not only because many problems still exist, but there are significant defects in their theoretical bases respectively. Welcome to the Centre for Comparative Literature. Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. Comparative Literature is wholly owned and directed by the University of Oregon. Indeed, part of our methodological considerations must be an ongoing All students take a course in literary theory and have the opportunity to complete a senior essay. This seminar uses primary and secondary texts to examine structures and techniques of argument, persuasion, and rhetoric in early Chinese and Greek texts from a comparative perspective. A comparative literature major provides students with a solid foundation in the humanities, while at the same time allowing the freedom to pursue other interests. History in literature. Marxist criticism. Comparative Literature is a flexible program, allowing students to take courses in a variety of departments in the College. While other literary disciplines focus on works of literature within national or linguistic traditions, Comparative Literature draws on multiple contexts in order to examine the nature of literary phenomena from around the globe and from different historical moments, while exploring how literature interacts with other elements of culture and society. Program in Critical Theory & Comparative Literature. CPLT 210: CANONS IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. The Just Theory Lectures Series is an annual series of presentations hosted by and held within the Comparative Literature Department. In the post-colonial era, this tendency to normalize the western supremacy is being challenged at various levels. The Seminar in Theory and the Core Course offered in the Department of Comparative Literature must be included among the ten required courses. Browse essays about Comparative Literature and find inspiration. and Ph.D. programs of study in every major area from medieval to contemporary literature with particular emphasis on literary theory and criticism. Students with interests in more than one national literature and in fields such as philosophy and political theory, art and aesthetics, … Program in Critical Theory & Comparative Literature. Back to top. The Comparative Literature program is designed for students interested in literary studies who do not want to limit their programs to a single national literature. Comparative Literature examines translation as an interpretive act central to the history and practice of literary study. Comparative Literature is the study of literature across languages, cultures, time periods, and genres as well as the study of the relationship between literature and other fields of knowledge. In a globalized world where the circulation of blogs, legal documents, political manifestos, manuscripts, online journals, and images constantly shapes and reshapes human experience, understanding texts is utterly essential. Comparative Literature concentration program. Within such parameters, majors build a personally-satisfying sequence of courses, focused on the nature, function, and value of literature and culture in a broadly comparative context. a Ph.D. degree in all major areas of literary study and on literary and cultural theory. All students take a course in literary theory and have the opportunity to complete a senior essay. Comparative Literature: Theory, Method, Application Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Rodopi: Amsterdam-Atlanta, G.A, 1998) Debarati ChakrabortyI Starkly different from the existing literary scholarship especially in the area of theory in Comparative Literature, Steven Totosy de Zepetnek’s Comparative Literature: Theory, Method, Application is unique Comparison Definition Comparison is a rhetorical or literary device in which a writer compares or contrasts two people, places, things, or ideas. Reading, understanding, and enjoying literature from various countries, in different forms of expression (e.g., dramatic, lyric, narrative, rhetorical) and of representative periods. Comparative Literature at Louisiana State University is an interdisciplinary program that encourages students to approach literary studies from multiple perspectives. (Comparative literature as a discipline had its origin in western academia and it still carries that supremacy and dominance. Four courses in literary study at the 2000 or higher level offered by the Department of Comparative Literature or other humanities departments or programs. Graduates are qualified for joint appointments in philosophy and literary programs and single appointments in comparative literature and national literature departments. Many of the newer sub-fields, however, are more influenced by critical theory and literary theory, stressing theoretical acumen and the ability to consider different types of art concurrently, over proficiency in multiple languages. Instructor (s): Nouri Gana. Structuralism (Literary analysis) You can use the Advanced Search to pair these genres with particular works, … 3.1 Remak defines American theory in Comparative Literature Remak defines Comparative Literature saying: "Comparative Literature is the study of literature beyond the boundaries of a particular country and it is the study of relations among the literatures and other scientific areas of knowledge and belief." Four courses in literary study at the 2000 or higher level offered by the Department of Comparative Literature or other humanities departments or programs. Cao Shunqing's, The Variation Theory of Comparative Literature, can be regarded as a recent answer from China to the question "Whither East-West comparative literature". Prof. Lisa Raphals. Queer theory. Faculty in the department teach a wealth of courses in African literatures, literary theory and cultures. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the various theories of comparative literature and the major works of literary theory that have informed comparative literature as a discipline. WMS 441. christina.parker-flynn@fsu.edu. Katie Lateef-Jan. kljan@umail.ucsb.edu. Fortunately, with the growth of East-West comparative literature in East Asia, another Chinese School of comparative literature proposed a new answer to it. An undergraduate specialization Research Interests: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French, British, and American literature, literary theory, psychoanalysis, feminist theory, film and photography. This course examines the nature and scope of the discipline, focusing both on its theoretical assumptions and its practical applications. dkelman@fullerton.edu. African Literature and Criticism. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Books Best Sellers. Stephen J. Mexal, Ph.D. We study literary and cultural representation across linguistic and national boundaries. My interdisciplinary research extends across the fields of Arabic and Francophone literatures, aesthetic theory, Islamic philosophy, film and visual culture, comparative literary theory, as … Early American literature, 18th- and 19th-century US literature, American studies, critical theory and philosophy, literature and politics. Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, German. Postcolonialism in literature. The Ph.D. program is built around a core curriculum grounded in the history of literary criticism and theory. Philosophizing in Languages, Political Theory, Translation theory and praxis sexuality and gender, critical theory, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, gender and ontology, new French philosophy, political fiction, French fiction and poetics, periodization critique, history and theory of Comparative Literature, critical pedagogies. Research Areas. Share to Reddit. Comparative literature is the study of literature, theory, and criticism across the boundaries of language, nation, culture, artistic medium and historical period. Comparative literature is the study of literature and other cultural expressions across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Course Title: Argument, Rhetoric, and Persuasion in Ancient China and Greece. Qualified students holding a bachelor's or master's degree are eligible for admission (check web site of Binghamton Graduate School). The Comparative Literature Major allows students to address fundamental questions about the nature, function, and value of literature in a broadly comparative context. Majors read and write about a wide variety of literary works across periods, genres, and national traditions. They investigate traditional and contemporary approaches to literary study, ancient and modern literary theory, and the relationship of literature to film and to other branches of the arts and sciences. Sheldon Lu taught at the University of Pittsburgh for ten years (1992-2002) before joining the University of California at Davis in 2002 as Professor of Comparative Literature. Because Comparative Literature is a transnational and interdisciplinary field of study, students in our undergraduate and graduate programs regularly work with faculty from across the university. AREAS OF RESEARCH/INTEREST. Graduate. Comparative Literature is wholly owned and directed by the University of Oregon.. Through teaching and research, we educate people who will contribute to society and develop knowledge that will make a difference in the world. COML B398 Theories and Methods in Comparative Literature The following goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a … An essential feature of such study is the reading of texts in their original language (s) of composition. Comparative Literature and Literary Theory: Survey and Introduction (A Midland book MB-) (English and German Edition) by Weisstein, Ulrich and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. It invites students to engage with crucial debates about the different ways in which cultures across time and space have understood the relationship between literature and the world, the concept of representation and the role of the author in the cultural domain. Deconstruction. T 2:00-4:50pm. Many theories of translation derive from scholars who also work in Comparative Literature, and indeed, at many institutions, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies are housed within a single program. Majoring in comparative literature provides students with tools for Periods: 19th-21st century Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Anglophone Research Interests: I work in and between comparative literature, cultural studies, critical theory, and intellectual history. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. COM LIT 100 - Introduction to Literary and Critical Theory. CMLT 4350. We approach literary and cultural study with a keen awareness of critical theory. Comparative literature has always questioned and often trans-gressed boundaries; boundaries of national literatures and national histories, of literary periods and literary genres, of disciplinary practices and critical theories. Graduate Program. Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. Comparison is a rhetorical or literary device in which a writer compares or contrasts two people, places, things, or ideas. In our everyday life, we compare people and things to express ourselves vividly. ISBN 90-420-0534-3 299 pages, bibliography, index. Film theory and criticism, gender studies, 19th-century literature and culture, comparative literature, Hitchcock studies. My research interests in comparative literature: Literary multilingualism, translation, and language politics; world literature and problems of comparison; comparative non-Western Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998. Philosophizing in Languages, Political Theory, Translation theory and praxis sexuality and gender, critical theory, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, gender and ontology, new French philosophy, political fiction, French fiction and poetics, periodization critique, history and theory of Comparative Literature, critical pedagogies. There are three concentration tracks and requirements: • Track 1: Comparative Literature in Two Languages • Track 2: Comparative Literature in Three Languages • Track 3: Literary Translation Faculty in the department teach a wealth of courses in African literatures, literary theory and cultures. Majors in comparative literature will be well prepared for graduate studies in the humanities, anthropology, and sociology as well as careers in law, business and publishing. Comparative Literature majors must also complete an advanced upper division course in literary and critical theory with the dual aim of offering them analytic tools to use in their major coursework and preparing them for further post-graduate level study in this crucial area. Critical theory has become an integral part of literary theory and cultural analysis. CPLT 210: CANONS IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. Share via email. This course will offer you an introduction to the major ideas, problems, and critical trends that have shaped the study of literature and culture over the past several decades. While the rise of comparative literature as an academic discipline clearly coincided with the flowering of European Courses devoted to literary studies variously stress significant authors, themes, problems, genres, historical periods, and theoretical perspectives. GH-438. The degree builds students' skills in the fields of literary theory and criticism, encouraging them to enquire and reflect, to acquire specific analytical skills and to apply aspects of genre theory, hermeneutics, poetics, rhetoric and the methodology of comparative literature. The Centre for Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto offers M.A. It invites students to engage with crucial debates about the different ways in which cultures across time and space have understood the relationship between literature and the world, the concept of representation and the role of the author in the cultural domain. The Seminar in Theory and the Core Course offered in the Department of Comparative Literature must be included among the ten required courses. Interliterary theory has been formulated by the Slovak scholar Dionýz Dˇurišin not only as a field distinct from comparative literature, but also as one that will eventually replace it. The UCLA Program in Experimental Critical Theory is meant to galvanize, coordinate, and expand research and teaching in critical theory across departments and disciplines at UCLA. Students admitted into Maryland’s very selective comparative literature program benefit from interactions with an internationally recognized core faculty with strengths in literatures of the Americas, the Atlantic, Africa and the African Diaspora, Europe, and Israel and the Jewish Diaspora, as well as expertise in literary theory, postcolonial studies, digital humanities, film and LGBT studies. Comprehensive Exam Reading List Revised 2011 To MALLT students concentrating in Comparative Literature: You are required to develop a reading list of thirty-five to forty works for your Comprehensive Exams, in conjunction with your major professor and the other members of your examining committee. Finally, comparative literature is also the de facto home of literary theory: some consider the field to be concerned with the general makeup of literature itself, or literariness. Comparative Literature film courses explore multiple cultures, language and genres, with an emphasis on film theory and analysis. emarder@emory.edu 404-727-0465 Preparation: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing and College Writing requirements. African Literature and Criticism. Emphasis on the comparative study of themes and motifs common to many literatures of the world. Critical Interpretation (CI) Counts toward International Studies. This background will provide excellent training for literary research. In addition to a significant expertise in postcolonial theory, faculty at Penn State conduct research on Arabophone, Francophone, Italophone, Anglophone and Indian Ocean traditions in African literature and criticism. Comparative Literature provides students with tools for engaging, analyzing, and interpreting texts; and for writing, editing, translating, and thinking across disciplinary and national boundaries. Image above from Slavoj Zizek and “The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology” (dir. This course will offer you an introduction to the major ideas, problems, and critical trends that have shaped the study of literature and culture over the past several decades. 19th- and 20th-century Latin American literature, 20th-century American literature, 20th-century European novel, detective and crime fiction, science fiction, film and literature, trauma and testimony, literary theory, comparative literature. Particular attention will be given to the comparative analysis of race, ethnicity, gender…. However, when the comparative study of literature between East and West is concerned, the theory of Comparative Literature is far from perfect. His research, scholarship, and teaching lie at the intersection of literary studies, visual studies, film studies, China studies, and cultural theory. Critical theory has become an integral part of literary theory and cultural analysis. Students and instructors in the field, usually called "comparatists", have traditionally been proficient in several languages and acquainted with the literary traditions, literary criticism, and major literary texts of those languages. Email | (919) 966-1642. This book is not only wide ranging with a mass of information, it is state of the art Comparative Literature, and it will also serve as a much needed textbook - one which combines breadth of scholarship and ample attention to detail; a … The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink. Comparative Literature: Theory, Method, Application Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Rodopi: Amsterdam-Atlanta, G.A, 1998) Debarati ChakrabortyI Starkly different from the existing literary scholarship especially in the area of theory in Comparative Literature, Steven Totosy de Zepetnek’s Comparative Literature: Theory, Method, Application is unique Our MA in Comparative Literature and Critical Theories is an interdisciplinary, transnational programme. Our MA in Comparative Literature and Critical Theories is an interdisciplinary, transnational programme. Major issues of literary theory, critical approaches, and comparative research. Research Interests: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French, British, and American literature, literary theory, psychoanalysis, feminist theory, film and photography. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. Readings in literature, philosophy, popular culture, and film will illustrate how theory enhances our understanding of the complexities of history, memory, identity, and the trials of modernity. In addition to a significant expertise in postcolonial theory, faculty at Penn State conduct research on Arabophone, Francophone, Italophone, Anglophone and Indian Ocean traditions in African literature and criticism.

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