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Get any needed writing assistance at a price that every average student can afford. preeminently = in a manner that surpassed others. . a preeminent archeologist. According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, preeminent as an adjective can have the following definitions:. Use this template. Preeminent definition, meaning and example sentences. EXAMPLE Avoid Redundancy The crossed-out words in the following examples dont add anything and can be eliminated. Examples of preeminent in a Sentence. Definition. Further, while on the one side the institution of the monarchy is subsequently regarded as hostile to the preeminence of Yahweh, Samuel's connexion with the history of David belongs to a relatively late stage in the history of the written traditions where events are viewed Context sentences for "preeminent" in Portuguese These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Preeminence sentence. To avoid this, a letter from their doctor must be This pre-eminently is an occasion when we would expect the conventional wisdom to lose touch with t producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease. Login . Example sentences with "preeminent", translation memory. Information and translations of preeminent in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The Word of the Day for June 17, 2009 is: preeminent \pre-EM-uh-nunt\ adjective. ; d. preeminent = above all others. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Preeminent Sentence Examples. Log in. greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such an eminent professor. instructions. some of the preeminent names in baseball. Even though the Chateau is one of the Preeminent hotels in the state, it has never been mentioned in any of the best of the nation lists . This is because the quotation works grammatically in the sentence. (adj) greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement. a horse trained to trot. make sentence with Preeminence. Cover Letter for Graduate School Application [Sample & Guide] Cover Letter for Graduate School Application [Sample & Guide] Youve found the graduate program youve been searching for. Unam is mexico preeminent public adjective. Samuels was a preeminent scholar in the field of statistics and. af Jehovah noem die nasie Israel sy kneg (Jesaja 41:8). LinkedIn is the preeminent business-networking site, and embedding your video in your LinkedIn profile helps get you in front of hiring managers. Each prompt features a real world writing activity. use "preeminent" in a sentence The preeminent naval powers, Great Britain and France, halted further construction of woo den-hulled ships, and they were copied by all others. and in its place painted ANIMAL FARM. Preeminence is the quality of being superior. Vehicular homicide vs manslaughter: what is the difference? She's the preeminent chef in a city that has many good ones. Each worksheet begins with a prompt that gives students a chance to write practically. 15. 1 : exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : prominent 2 : standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted : conspicuous 3 : jutting out : projecting Examples: Over the course of 80 years, Chuck Norris has done it all. Preeminent definition, eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing: He is preeminent in his profession. Its a type of high status or distinction for anything considered to be the best at something, like the preeminence of gold or the preeminence of a antonyms. Seldom has a more acidulous portrait of the city been drawn by one of its preeminent members. Also talking about what he thinks is his best quality, which is his leadership, his experience on national security, and what he calls the transcendent issue that e wants voters to look to him for, and that is the war in Iraq and national security.. CNN Transcript Feb 3, 2008 Invite some eminent physicists to your dinner party to stimulate the conversation. Preeminently , John Wesley and other early Methodists were at the root of sparking this new movement during the First Great Awakening. The definition of Preeminent is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. The sentence for vehicular homicide (DUI death) is up to one year in jail per death for a misdemeanor, but up to 15 years per injury or death for felony crimes. More example sentences. Send a free sample Deliver to your Kindle or other device. 1.1. Think of a simple sentence; for example, The girl ate her soup. Preeminent. MLB Trade Rumors is proud to present our 15th annual Top 50 Free Agents list! Context sentences for "preeminent" in Dutch. Enter a promotion code or Gift Card has become the preeminent popular chronicler of British intelligence history because he understands the essence of the business." jw2019. rule (rool) n. 1. a. (Page 5 of 9) . Sentence examples for preeminent from inspiring English sources. 656-61). meaning & examples surpassing others in evil or in bad qualities; as, preeminent in guilt. 1 to a preeminent degree. Example Sentences: (1) The difficulty in reconciling these results with the preeminent role assigned to the hypothalamus in the organization of predatory aggressive behavior was considered. en The Bible presents its Author and our Creator, Jehovah [a mass assault against suicidally-defended Japan] John Knowles -- A Separate Peace. Log in. Of course, the final Chinese advantage appears to be a very fast, cheap, and certain eminent domain process: just bribe a few officials and send hired thugs to kick the people out of their homes and businesses. However, defense counsel might be able to get the prosecutor to agree to allow a limited appeal on specific issues, such as the lawfulness of a search or the police interrogation of a defendant. Learn Ludwig. Both words in one sentence He unleashed the Zerg on an entire planet populated by billions of people just to overthrow a few hundred individuals at most and establish himself as the preeminent political figure among the Terrans of the Koprulu sector. Preeminent in a sentence | preeminent example sentences CAN SLIM and IBD played a preeminent role in that success. Wire fraud refers to fraud that is committed through the use of wires, or electronic means. Rodriguez is the preeminent player in the free-agent market. Denali Mountain is a prominent eminence on the Alaskan landscape. You very likely recognized two words that are closely related to preeminent: prominent and eminence. That and the testimony of a preeminent expert on ballistics, she. Example Sentence. Another example: imagine were in Germany during the early 1940s (or Pol Pots Cambodia in the 1970s or Rwanda in 1994) and someone stated: I dont understand the argument for giving the Holocaust more weight than all other killings in Germany. Nor is the pre-eminent tremendousness of the great Sperm Whale anywhere more feelingly comprehended, than on board of those prows which stem him. TIP SheetTHE HYPHEN. | High importance; superiority. Learn Ludwig Add to Chrome for free. examples. more_vert. Preeminent as a biographer is Ibn Khallikan (q.v. Courtesy of Merriam Webster Online. nouns. Word of the Day - Preeminent. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 39. An authoritative, prescribed direction for conduct, especially one of the regulations governing procedure in a legislative body or a regulation observed by the players in a game, sport, or contest. Definition of pre-eminent adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In a somewhat confusing twist of prefixing, one who is distinguished or illustrious in the superlative is said to be preeminent, like in the sentence below. Either is correct. 3. Preeminent as a biographer is Ibn Khallikan (q.v. Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preeminent. Unlike in state court practice, where parties rarely file formal sentencing memorandum, particularly after a negotiated plea agreement is reached, federal court practice almost always involves a formal written sentencing position from both the Now, once again, the American role is indisputably preeminent. Topic sentences reveal the main point of a paragraph. Examples of Preeminent in a sentence Dr . The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Preeminent but also gives extensive definition in English language. Find 42 ways to say PREEMINENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.John F. Kennedy. They were both alike A total of 68 participants [except at the start of a sentence] Had been previously found Small in size Period of time Between the Good essays contain both. Definition of preeminent : having paramount rank, dignity, or importance : outstanding, supreme formal : more important, skillful, or successful than others : better than others As indicated below, the hyphen is used in several ways. Until recently, the pre-eminent botanical remedy We want to be the preeminent program in this conference ." Preeminence make sentence. Create top-quality business letters. Sentence with the word preminent Toronto's exchange and its venture affiliate, the TSX Venture Exchange, are known as the preeminent places to raise capital for exploration, hosting about 1,900 energy and mining firms that raised about $29 billion in equity last year. Preeminence definition, the state or character of being preeminent. Merriam-Websters Word of the Day for January 18, 2021 is: preeminent pree-EM-uh-nunt adjective. in a sentence. 17. Most plea agreements require defendants to forfeit any right to appeal their convictions or sentences. Definition. adjective pree-EM-uh-nunt. Example Sentence. 5 His philosophical thinking can be regarded as preeminent. More example sentences. Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preeminent. Continue with other sentences. Sentence example with the word 'preeminent' preeminent absolute, banner, considerable, focal, important, meridian, overruling, primary, stellar, topmost, weighty Definition adj. Example Sentences: (1) The difficulty in reconciling these results with the preeminent role assigned to the hypothalamus in the organization of predatory aggressive behavior was considered. George Smeaton, observing this fact in the writings of the apostles and church leaders to the early Christians, notes Related terms for preeminent- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with preeminent. Recent statistics state that the average life expectancy for an American is a little over 78 years.The sentence above refers tofactors tha Answer. The NFL is the preeminent professional football league in the United States. 2 to hold a preeminent position. en The Bible presents its Author and our Creator, Jehovah Wire fraud may be committed using interstate wires, television or radio communications, or the Internet. On this page we are showing correct ways to write : Preeminence in a sentence. 3 With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion. Its a type of high status or distinction for anything considered to be the best at something, like the preeminence of gold or the preeminence of a Sentences Containing 'preeminent' I am not the one to undermine the propriety of Senor Don Quixote, for it strikes me that among his many virtues the one that is pre-eminent is that of modesty. The duration of such power. af Jehovah noem die nasie Israel sy kneg (Jesaja 41:8). Examples of Eminent in a sentence. The most important English Proverbs. The status of being preeminent, dominant or ascendant. See more. As one of the worlds most eminent film directors, David Lynch has given audiences a glimpse of places and events they would never be able to imagine on their own. Write one word on each sticky note and mix up the words in the sentence. Proverbs can also give you good example sentences which you can memorize and use as models for building your own sentences. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Brazilian Portuguese: preeminente. The party was pre-eminently the party of the landed interest. American English: preeminent / primnnt /. We asked William Diamond, pre-eminent expert in international taxation, for his picks.. They show the relationship of each paragraph to the essay's thesis, telegraph the point of a paragraph, and If someone or something is pre-eminent in a group, they are more important, powerful, or capable than other people or things in the group. Preeminent quotes from YourDictionary: A great city, whose image dwells in the memory of man, is the type of some great idea. More usually "preeminent" is in American English, and more usual to see "pre-eminent" in British English. Theoretical trends of educational psychology. China and India are the key market for transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment market in APAC and is expected to offer several growth opportunities to market vendors during the forecast period, says Technavio, a leading market research company. Examples of in a sentence. Sentence Examples That interpretation is reinforced in chapter seven, on Hegel's treatment of the proofs for God's existence, preeminently the ontological proof, rescued from Kant's strictures. The Book Depository looks especially good to me in infra-red. Even though the Chateau is one of the preeminent hotels in the state, it has never been mentioned in any of the best of the nation lists.
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