harris hip score validity
The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index, and the Harris hip score showed high validity and reliability. [1 4] . If the activity in question is limited by something other than your hip, mark not applicable (N/A). Validity, responsiveness and ceiling floor effect of the Harris hip score after internal fixation of pertrochanteric fracture has not been previously described. Ability to detect change. CONCLU-SION: A positive construct validity and high correlation with WOMAC, Oxford Hip Score and Harris hip score shows that the Oswestry hip score can give an adequate measure of hip joint function. There are four … People experiencing hip-related disorders commonly report pain and reduced functional capacity, including difficulties in executing activities of daily living. (2013)5 Patient- and clinician reported outcomes One systematic review (Hetaimish) evaluated 29 studies (2,816 patients) for consiste ncy of reporting clinical and radiographic outcomes after arthroscopic management of FAI. No Difficulty at all Slight Difficulty CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of the Harris Hip Score provides another important tool for assessing quality of life of patients with hip disorders. SF-36 and the Modified Harris Hip Score have been proposed for evaluating patients after hip arthroscopy4,5. Conclusions. Ten of the patient-based measures have demonstrated internal consistency. Although the Modified Harris Hip Score (MHHS) is used worldwide, it has not been translated into Arabic or validated for use among Arabic populations. Conclusions: Mayo Hip Score is valid, sensitive to change and associated with future risk of revision surgery in patients with primary THA. Construct validity was quantified by correlating sum scores of the Dutch WOMAC, Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales (Dutch AIMS2), Health Assessment Questionnaire (Dutch HAQ), and Harris Hip Score (Dutch HHS). Background Objective of the study was to evaluate and compare psychometric properties such as validity, reliability, floor ceiling effects and interpretability of the modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) in patients undergoing bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in Indian patients, because this has not been done before. In addition, the Harris Hip Score [37,40], a tool that consists of both patient-reported outcomes (80% of the total score) and observations by a clinician (20% of the total score), and the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) [30,40,41] were used. In part I, three general health questionnaires (Nottingham Health Profile, SF-36, EuroQol) and two disease-specific instruments (WOMAC, Harris Hip Score) were tested for validity and reliability (n = 62). Ten of the patient-based measures have demonstrated internal consistency. Conclusions The reliability and validity of the Arabic version of the MHHS was demonstrated. 2003;32(1):46-51. Scand J Rheumatol. Sample size calculation: Using the pain measure as the measure to determine the sample size, Hip-related pain is a well-recognised complaint among active young and middle-aged active adults. Validity. With respect to clinician based outcomes, the Harris Hip Score … Reference for Score: Harris WH. Associations between the Harris Hip Score (HHS) (which is a commonly used surgeon-reported outcome measure) ... gait analysis session and measurement of hip muscle strength. In ROC analysis, the cut-off point of 52.5 yielded sensitivity 81% and specificity 71%. The range of possible scores is from 12 to 60 with a low score indicating a high level of function. It is expected to take 5 minutes to complete and is based on 10 items. The MHHS can be used to assess hip pathology among adults in Saudi Arabia. Hip preservation surgery is rapidly advancing and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures are becoming an integral part of measuring treatment effectiveness. Traditionally the modified Harris hip score has been used as the main outcome measure. Outcome measures included in this review are the Harris Hip Score, the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, the Oxford Hip Score, the Lequesne Index of Sever-ity for Osteoarthritis of the Hip, and the American Acad-emy of Orthopedic Surgeons Hip and Knee Questionnaire. Harris Hip Score (HHS) is the most widely used instrument when assessing hip disability.58 63 We only included the MHHS, and not the original HHS, since this instrument cannot be considered a true PRO questionnaire as it is a composite score that combines patient-reported information and physical assessment performed by an observer. Mayo hip score had significant positive correlation with younger age, male gender, lower BMI, lower ASA class and lower Deyo-Charlson index (p ≤ 0.003 for each) and with Harris hip scores (p < 0.001). J Bone Joint Surg Am. Of 13 possible hip joint–specific outcome scores, the modified Harris Hip Score was most frequently collected (46%), followed by International Hip Outcome Tool−12 (41%) and Hip Outcome Score (38%). Harris Hip Score, DRI and EQ-5D questionnaires at four time points. All scores except the WOMAC stiffness score exhibited adequate validity and interpretability, with no floorandceilingeffectsover15%.FortheHOOSsubscores,theminimalclinicallyimportant … The structural validity of the DRI was assessed using principal component analysis. Accurate assessment of health-related quality of life and function from the patient’s perspective is vital when determining the effectiveness of health interventions. The Lysholm Scale currently consists of eight items that measure: pain (25 points), instability (25 points), locking (15 points), swelling (10 points), limp (5 points), stair climbing (10 points), squatting (5 points), and need for support (5 points). Evidence of Validity for the Hip Outcome Score in Hip Arthroscopy RobRoy L. Martin, Ph.D., P.T., C.S.C.S., and Marc J. Philippon, M.D. There was considerable heterogeneity in hip joint–specific PROs (I 2 86%). Correlation between the DRI and the other For each of the three testing occasions the reliability was very good or excellent – α. If necessary, we wished to ROM 5 and Absence of Deformity 4 points. With only 12 questions, the Oxford Hip Score is the simplest outcome assessment tool. This self-administered, evaluative, patient-based outcome measure was created in 1996 to assess the perception of pain and function among patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. Cronbachs α was used to determine the internal consistency, and scale reliability was also assessed. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). Measures of hip function and symptoms: Harris Hip Score (HHS), Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS), Oxford Hip Score (OHS), Lequesne Index of Severity for Osteoarthritis of the Hip (LISOH), and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) Hip and Knee Questionnaire. Background: Objective of the study was to evaluate and compare psychometric properties such as validity, reliability, floor ceiling effects and interpretability of the modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) in patients undergoing bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in Indian patients, because this has not been done before. 1, 2 The Harris Hip Score (HHS) is one such measure which has frequently been used by health care providers to evaluate the functional outcome of the hip joint after a disease or following an intervention. Psychometric testing for internal consistency, testeretest reliability, construct validity, and respon-sivenesswasconducted.TheSC-HOOSshowedsatisfactoryinternal consistency, testeretest reliability, construct validity, and respon-sivenesswhenevaluatedinChinese-speakingpatientswithhipOA. Interrater reliability and validity of passive internal rotation of the hip, visual analog scale (VAS) scores, and hip outcome scores (HOSs) for limitations in activities of daily living and sport-related activities (SRAs) were collected. An extension of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index. Furthermore, most of these traditional outcome measures are ordinal in nature To test the reliability of the instrument, we calculated Cronbach's alpha. The preoperative mean Nonarthritic Hip Score was 56.0 ± 18.1 (range, 12.5–92.5). Since its introduction, several authors have reported the score to be a valid outcome measure for THA based on good construct validity alone (Harris 1969, Soder-man and Malchau 2001, Shi et al. The objective of the study was to investigate construct validity, responsiveness and ceiling floor effects of the modified Harris hip score (mHHS). BACKGROUND With improving patient outcome after total hip and total knee arthroplasty, patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) have seen a parallel rise in average scores and ceiling effects. Objectives: The main objective of this study is to translate and culturally adapt the HHS into Arabic, and to assess the reliability and validity of the translated version. To determine construct validity, we compared the OHS with the Harris hip score, the SF-36, and the visual analog scale (VAS) score for pain. Therefore it is important to use measurement scales that have been correctly tested and 2 = 0.91, and α. The results in patients with avascular necrosis and osteoarthritis were significantly better than those with rheumatoid arthritis. Objectives The objective was to examine whether the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) demonstrated a floor or a ceiling effect when used to measure the outcome of hip replacement surgery in a large national cohort. It is scored from 0 to 100, where 100 is the best outcome, <70 is considered a poor result. Several new self-administered Every question response has been assigned an arbitrary score on an increasing scale. In our study population only 17 out of 148 patients experienced a shortening of the ALA. Evidence of validity for the hip outcome score in hip arthroscopy. Traditionally the modified Harris hip score has been used as the main outcome measure. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide evidence of validity for the Hip Outcome Score (HOS) as an outcome instrument in hip arthroscopy. Orthopaedic Surgery; Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences; Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences; Center of Regenerative Medicine Regarding score validity, all the MHHS items correlated with the total score (p < 0.001). 4 35] Construct validity was calculated to determine if the VISA-G correlated with the Harris Hip Score (HHS) and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores using a Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient. Table 8-2 shows the evaluative tools that have been tested for reliability, validity, and responsiveness. the most important factors in hip replacement. The score on the questionnaire is a total score obtained by summing the ratings of each of the 12 items. Background Objective of the study was to evaluate and compare psychometric properties such as validity, reliability, floor ceiling effects and interpretability of the modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) in patients undergoing bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in Indian patients, because this has not been done before. Mayo Hip Score is valid, sensitive to change and associated with future risk of revision surgery in patients with primary THA. However, the validity and reliability of the FJS has not been well analyzed. Martin RL, Philippon MJ. Differences between change scores were not calculated for the hip/knee core scale, but they were for the lower extremity core scale after 24 months. Thus, our results may be one step towards providing ‘validity’ to the use of the GDI in hip OA patients. Participants performed the SLST and SDT. The modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) is a validated and disease-specific instrument commonly used to assess outcomes in total hip arthroplasty (THA). A further study is currently underway to evaluate the reliability and validity of the culturally adapted version An end-result study using a new method of result evaluation. Hip Outcome Score (HOS) Activity of Daily Living Scale Please answer every question with one response that most closely describes to your condition within the past week. (2) Harris-Hayes et al. Change scores on the lower extremity question- Satisfactory cross cultural equivalence of the Dutch WOMAC in patients with hip osteoarthritis waiting for arthroplasty It presents a scale with a maximum of 100 points, including evaluation of pain, function, deformity and motion. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 88 (4): 698 -705. Traumatic arthritis of the hip after dislocation and acetabular fractures: treatment by mold arthroplasty. The Harris Hip Score (HHS) is a clinician-based outcome measure frequently used for the evaluation of patients following a total hip arthroplasty. facets of validity rather than on a single definitive test. Objectives The objective was to examine whether the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) demonstrated a floor or a ceiling effect when used to measure the outcome of hip replacement surgery in a large national cohort. Patients were followed-up from 13 to 76 months (mean: 44.5 months) and assessed using the Harris Hip Score-HHS, the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-HOOS and radiographs. Results: All stems were radiologically stable. It has also been compared with the original and modified Merle D'Aubigné-Postel Scores, and it has demonstrated high overall correlation among acetabular fracture patients. Although both HOOS and Harris hip score have shown a high degree of validity, it is possible that these instruments are not sensitive enough to demonstrate an underlying difference in clinical outcome between the groups [19, 20]. Setting Secondary database analysis of a national audit conducted in England and Wales on patient undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty in a secondary care setting. It was developed in 1969, and has since undergone multiple revisions. Setting Secondary database analysis of a national audit conducted in England and Wales on patient undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty in a secondary care setting. Convergent and divergent validity shows to be poor; both physical function- In recent years, there has been an increased demand for high quality (high validity, reliability and responsiveness) outcomes after medical and surgical interventions for as low cost as possible. Mayo Elbow Score (546) U M with DASH M with ASES L (ES=1.12 to 2.71) MCID 15 Mayo Wrist Score (330) Harris Hip Score (2844) MCID 7-9 Knee Society Score (2247) U (SRM 0.8) American Foot & Ankle Score(1868) Patient Reported Measures VAS Pain (3747) VAS MDC 3cm Borg RPE (55) Borg Dyspnea (67) The results showed the disease specific questionnaires are at least as valid … Known-groups validity showed that mHHS-Gr scores were significantly higher in participants with TUG < 13.5 seconds than in those with TUG > 13.5 seconds (p < 0.001). clinical assessment of hip movement and movement domains of Oswestry hip score (Pearson’s r = 0.55; p0.001). Table 8-2 shows the evaluative tools that have been tested for reliability, validity, and responsiveness. 2009). Measures of hip ROM in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes were obtained using a 30-cm (12-in) universal goniometer. after surgery, Mann-Whitney U test]; construct validity – 4 hypotheses: 1) on the fifth day of rehabilitation in patients underwent arthroplasty due to hip osteoarthritis, the A-test results will strongly correlate with those of ILAS, while the correlation with the Harris hip score will be less strong; 2) in Mean Harris Hip Score was 89.8 and the HOOS was 80.4. 3, 4 Sir William Harris in 1969 developed this score to evaluate the outcome of Smith-Peterson mould arthroplasty of the hip … To determine construct validity, we compared the OHS with the Harris hip score, the SF-36, and the visual analog scale (VAS) score for pain. Background Objective of the study was to evaluate and compare psychometric properties such as validity, reliability, floor ceiling effects and interpretability of the modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) in patients undergoing bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in Indian patients, because this has not been done before. terion validity, a global score for the WOMAC was calcu-lated, and the correlation with the hip/knee core score was 0.89 (53). The external validity of the randomized controlled trial is acceptable. However, limitations of the current study should be mentioned. There were no differences in Harris Hip Scores after six weeks Christensen, (2015). BMC Musculoskelet Disord 4: 10. New study published in the September, 2017 issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine confirms that the new Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Athletic Hip Score is a valid and reliable tool for evaluation of the hip in an athletic population.. 13 Final score ranges from 100 (no disability) to 0 (maximum disability). "Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the French version of the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) in hip osteoarthritis patients." hip score had significant positive correlation with younger age, male gender, lower BMI, lower ASA class and lower Deyo-Charlson index (p≤0.003 for each) and with Harris hip scores (p<0.001). a scale of 1 to 5. 1969;51:737–55. Length of stay (LOS) The study of Higgins (2015) reporter shorter length of hospital stay in the anterior group compared to the posterior approach (mean difference = -0.53, 95%CI = -1.01 to -0.04). The ten items in the Harris hip score consist of answer choices, awarded a number of points. Methods: For evaluation of construct validity two hypotheses were formulated: first, there would be no …
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