Amity Arena Tier List, Spanish Joint Transcription, Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club, Uspta Tennis Certification, Nascar Headquarters North Carolina, Santa Eulalia Bungalows, Hexene Condensed Formula, Auto Republic Fullerton, L'oreal Infallible Eyeliner Super Slim, " /> Amity Arena Tier List, Spanish Joint Transcription, Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club, Uspta Tennis Certification, Nascar Headquarters North Carolina, Santa Eulalia Bungalows, Hexene Condensed Formula, Auto Republic Fullerton, L'oreal Infallible Eyeliner Super Slim, " />

16 June 2021

mobile cb antenna ground plane kit

$36.99. A Ground Plane with One-Quarter Wavelength Radials Or Half-Wavelength Diameter Buy Pro Trucker CB & Ham Ground Radial Kit for Mobile Magnet Mount Antennas or Similar: Antennas - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases ... Nagoya GPK-01 (21" Radials) NMO Mount Ground Plane Kit for Base or Field Use, SO-239 Connector, Mounts to 2" Pole, Mast, Pipe. Solder a PL-259 to the ends of the main coax. Accepts mast diameters 1.81 in. $29.95. A metal surface (the larger and flatter, the better) is required underneath the CB antenna to launch the signal out into the atmosphere. The antenna is rated at 300 watts side band. The kit is fine if you just want to use the antenna for 10 and 11 meters. This video is intended for ground plane cb antenna systems using a tune-able tip Fire Stick 48″ antenna. In Stock. non-metal vehicles, fibreglass vehicles, caravans, boats, etc. The HF-360 is an end fed vertical fibreglass antenna capable of allowing the user to work 80 meters through 10 meters using an ATU, also not requiring any counterpoise. Antron 99 was £99.00, Ground plane kit was £60.00 and upgrade was £30.00 total £189.00Buy it now for £150.00 Element Length 7 ft. $71 .00. Wilson CB antennas offer silver-plated copper wire for superior power and the broadband antenna allows for easy tuning. FireStik FG3648-BL Three foot No-ground plane CB antenna kit (Blue) $76.69. Due to mounting options I will have either a poor or no ground plane. Remember too, the shield of the coax needs to be consistent with the start of the ground plane. Individual Mounts and Ground Radial Sets. 10~1300MHz Car Antenna Ground plane kit for UHF VHF mobile antenna, Mobile Ground Antenna RE-02,ground redical with magnet base US $6.90-$10.00 / Piece 1 Piece (Min. High gain mobile antenna suitable for cars, RV's and trucks. Added! Jeep® Wrangler And Rubicon CB Antenna Mount With Cable - Included is a 4ft black fiberglass top loaded antenna. Browning 180-B Amateur Dual Band NMO Antenna - Black. Build one antenna at a time. wide. 1:15. Antenna CB Base 27 - 30 MHz Omni-Directional Aluminium Whip Length approx 723 cm 1000W... Sirio SY 27-4 yagi CB Base station antennas Type: 4 element Yagi antenna … Temporarily Sold Out. After one beam or ground plane is completed, mount the antenna … $76. Consider also that most cars have a coat of … stainless steel radials, UHF female (S0-239) connector and bracket. We now have a New Line of 27 MHz (11m) Mobile Antennas which are ideal if you looking for a quality Antenna with the DB Gain you need. I've been thinking for some time about magnet mount mobile antennas and wondering how they establish their ground plane. black tip covers on each steel element It is easy to instal on any 2" pole or pipe. The isolated ground plane that is built into NGP antennas can also eliminate problems on metal base vehicles that lack the sufficient ground plane for proper operation. SOLARCON MAX-GPK GROUNDPLANE KIT FOR IMAX-2000 - Moonraker UK Limited It is found that for a monopole antenna like a quarter wavelength vertical, the ground acts as a plane to reflect the radio waves so that an image of the top half of the antenna is seen in the Earth. Accepts VHF/UHF mobile antennas with PL-259 connector. Wilson 1000 5000 Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile Magnet Roof Trunk Chrome Ground plane Kit … View Details. Includes an antenna, spring, mirror arm bracket and coax cable. NGP (No Ground Plane) Antennas at CB World! If you try to use standard ground-based CB equipment with a vehicle or in a situation that requires a "no ground plane" antenna, you'll likely experience both high SWR levels and extremely poor performance. Wondering what a ground plane is? Check out our article in our Help Center! Available in 2, 3, & 4 foot lengths in the color black. If a ground strap fixed, reduced, or eliminated an RFI problem, then something else in the installation was amiss. 2. A CB radio ground plane means a reflective unit while the antenna is the reactive unit that is most suitable for grounding a CB antenna. B1322NS. I will use a ground plane (GP) system and suffer the possible consequences. A ground plane for a CB radio antenna is the metal surface needed below the antenna. In mobile applications, the vehicle body acts as the ground plane (reflective unit). I found that 6 meters may be useable also. This normally occurs on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. designed for standard 3/8 x 24 threaded antennas. It makes them perform like an all metal base antenna. Quick view. ANTENNA PARTS LIST: Keep in mind that this, and most HAM antennas, can be made with parts that you probably already have lying around your home. The body of the vehicle and the capacitive coupling to the surface under the vehicle, is acting as a ground plane, and a lossy one at that! Universal FS-II No-Ground Plane CB Antenna Kit by FireStik®. When using the MFJ 901B tuner, the "6 Band" CB to 10 meters Multiband Vertical Ground Plane tunes up nicely on ALL ham bands from 40 thru 10 meters giving a great match near or at 1:1 swr on all the hf bands from 40 thru 10 meters. This normally occurs on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. This is a simulated ground made from a sheet of conductor which typically extends out to a quarter wavelength from the antenna. You then screw your antenna into the top of the radial kit. No ground-plane' antenna kit, ideal for use on vehicles with no ground plane, i.e. ... Antron 99 with Ground plane kit lowers angle of radiation for greater range A99CK includes the .. $154.99 Add to Wish List. Add Your CB Below. But a vertical antenna should be as close to full size as … Workman SP 2000 Coiled Ant. Below 7 MHz most of us can not get an antenna above 70 feet high so a vertical antenna is best for a small station antenna. Ham Antennas. More Buying Choices. GPK-1 Includes Five (4) 6' Fiberglass Radials and Ground Plane Mount. PMR 446 Radio/Walkie-Talkies. Almost all vehicles use the car metal part as a ground plane like car body, bumper, Chassis. Build your own Ground Plane Kit and use your favorite mobile antenna as a field expedient base station antenna! Aluminum Construction. 146MHz 5/8 ground plane tower mounted antenna. Easy install on … Discontinued. Firestik FG2-DD 2' Roof Mount Kit Firestick FG2DD (9041) Firestik FG2-DD 2' Roof Mount Cb Antenna - Firestik FG2DD The Firestik FG2-DD series 'No ground plane" (NGP) CB antenna kits were specifically designed to solve the lack of ground plane (counterpoise) problems found on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. . Compatible with all standard CB Antennas. Twin-Trucker CB Aerial Kit. CB frequencies are in the 27 MHz range, which means the wavelength is 11 meters. Sirio Antenna : Base - CB & 10M VHF (30-300mhz) UHF (0.3-3 GHz) Dual-Band Wide-Band Cellular (Mono/Multiband) DECT Wireless WLAN System WiMax System Aircraft Band (118-136mhz) Marine Band New Products News Custom Antenna Design sirio antenna, High end HF VHF UHF antenna, CB Antenna, 10 Meter Antenna, dual band antenna, wide band antenna, wireless product, cellular multiband antenna… Solarcon A-99 CB Base Station Antenna. If you want even more out of you Imax antenna then this is the product for you. Firestik II FS-2BK Tunable Tip CB Antenna – Best for City Use. FireStik 3-Foot Tunable Tip CB Antenna. If you are need of the best CB antenna available on the market the A-99 Solarcon is made of the highest grade of fiberglass and works with a ground plane providing one with power up to 2000 watts. NGP CB antenna kits were specifically designed to solve the problems associated with the lack of ground plane. 3.2dBi Gain. MATERIALS. 2 PCS 8'6" 12 or 14 gauge electrical wire. 200 Watts. Mobile CB Antennas Mobile Antenna Mounts Mobile CB Antenna Accessories Base CB Antennas Base CB Antenna Accessories. Delivery from $35 courier Aust. Ground plane: Many vertical antennas employ what is called a ground plane. This normally occurs on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. Moonraker has been selling Amateur, CB, Scanner, PMR and Truck products since 1978. (8) 2 ft. Fiberglass Radials (longer than shown) Hardware. The more you load an antenna, the shorter it gets, and the lower the radiation resistance. 1:03. PL/BNC plugs & RF Adapters. It makes them perform like an all metal base antenna. Vehicles that require NGP equipment: Vehicles that should use NGP products: 'No ground plane" (NGP) CB antennas with NGP coax were specifically designed to solve the problems associated with the lack of ground plane (counterpoise). This normally occurs on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, and wood. MHB5802: PCTEL / Maxrad Chrome Coil Antenna - VHF 144-174 MHz - Unity. This CB radio antenna kit is one of the lightweight and easily tunable antennas. $99.95. Make sure it ohms out and has no shorts. Radio Packages. Install December 2010. . HF360. CB-Ham Aerial Mag-mts. Antron 99 with Ground plane kit and fireup 99 top tip upgrade only 3 months old Excellent Condition. you are mounting the antenna on a roof) then you will need to look at option 3. 4.1 out of 5 stars. This ground-plane kit is made especially for IMAX 2000 antennas. Mobile Radios. You can Get special offers Wilson Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile magnet Ground plane Kit with best price get it click Link!. 80m - 10m. With a decent ground you can work a lot of stations including DX if you wish. The Maco GPRK "Boomer" Radial Kit is the fix for fiberglass base antennas. Sirio GL27 'No Ground Plane' CB Antenna. You should have a 1.5 SWR on this. "No-Ground Plane" Firestik CB Antenna Kit. There were just 2 of them on the market back then, and they were both designed for CB only. A good ground plane extends about a wavelength underneath the antenna, although less can be used as long as this is taken into account when the antenna is designed, else the impedance won't be as expected. If you’re searching for an antenna … Weight – 6 lbs. The antennas insulated up to 14,500V and one can use it with 10m HAM, commercial and export use. Coaxial Cable's CB/Amateur. See details. However, it is by no means a replacement for an adequate ground plane under the antenna! Aldarryntineram. It utilizes four 6' ground radials to lower the angle of radiation, allowing the antenna to achieve greater range. Comes with (1) Slip-On Collar. This includes, but is not limited to, motorhomes, boats, automobiles and 18-wheeler trucks. Firestik CB Antennas. Choose your mount below and add your choice of three Ground Radial sets. This could be due to the size of available ground plane (ATV, bicycle, motorcycle, wheelchair, etc. . Includes an antenna, spring, mirror arm bracket and coax cable. x 2.44 in. A bad ground will result in an un-tunable antenna and sky-high SWR levels. This normally occurs on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. This includes, but is not limited to, motorhomes, boats, automobiles and 18-wheeler trucks. The MFJ-1401 Mobile to Base Station Ground Plane Kit converts most mobile antennas into a ground plane base station antenna. Ham Antennas. Antennas. All vertical antennas need to be grounded in some way. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Also note that once the antenna mount is properly grounded you will need an SWR meter so you can properly tune your antenna. $27.95. I realize that there are 1/2 wave base loaded NGP available. - Tram 1465 Land Mobile Base Ground Plane Kit for NMO Antennas. SOLARCON MAX-GPK GROUNDPLANE KIT FOR IMAX-2000 - Moonraker UK Limited Bookmark Antenna Grounding Planes. The I-MAX 2000 has a ground plane radial kit available. 3/8 Male to Female Connection. Procomm Proton PT99 CB Fiberglass Antenna - Radioaficion CB Antenna Base - Cleethorpes Computer Centre 601896 PROTON PT99 Base CB Radio Antenna and Ground Plane Kit HF Multiband Vertical - Convert A CB antenna Into A 6 Band HF Antenna Sirio Antenna GPS 27 1/2 10m & CB Base Antenna: Home Audio & Theater Fits Bandit and Most Other CB Antennas. Includes NMO to N-Female adapter and 4 radials for 700 MHz and up. The longer the CB whip, the better the performance. Mobile Antenna Ground Plane Kit-NMO TO N FEMALE; Quick Disconnects; Stainless Steel Ball Mounts; Thru Body Mount NMO-UHF-3?8x24; Trunk Lip NMO-UHF-3-8X24; MOBILE ANTENNAS CB; MOBILE ANTENNAS COMMERCIAL. The CROSS Antennas are dual fed with horizontal and vertical polarization also. Wilson (305-430) - No-Ground Antenna Kit, Slide to Tune Coax, Fiberglass, 3ft, Black, 300 Watt, 26.75-27.75MHz Description: This "No Ground" antenna kit was specifically designed to solve the lack of ground plane problems found on vehicles constructed of plastic, fiberglass, wood or aluminum. These are antenna mounts with metal rods underneath to provide a groundplane for the antenna, click here. T and has a frequency range of 134-184 MHz and a 4.5 dBd gain. FREE Shipping. The Tram VHF Land Mobile Base Antenna has The Tram VHF Land Mobile Base Antenna has a heavy-duty fiberglass construction base, is 58 in. NOTE : The RMAT has a bandwidth of 350kHz this means that you tune the antenna to your desired 350kHz range within 26 to 29MHz 146MHz 5/8 GROUND PLANE ANTENNA. Add to cart. stainless steel construction. 206. Materials. It includes stainless steel mounting … 5-8 Ground Plane. Wilson Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile magnet Ground plane Kit. A CB’er who mainly enjoys ground wave talking will benefit the most with the CROSS. The antenna can be pole mounted at ground level or elevated depending on users requirements. As the name indicates the antenna ground plane acts as a simulated ground. Description. Attached to this are 4 aluminium groundplanes approx 1.5m long, which lie flat on the ground. The CROSS is a slightly harder hitting ground wave antenna with good performance in DX. Wilson offers CB antennas, studs, CB antenna mounts, cables and other accessories to meet all your needs. The MFJ-1401 converts most mobile antennas into a ground plane base station antenna. Add to Compare. Simply speaking a groundplane is the metal-work underneath your antenna, for example if you have your antenna mounted in the roof of your vehicle then the roof becomes the groundplane. "In effect a mobile CB antenna is only half the equipment needed to transmit a signal, without a sufficient groundplane an antenna will not work very well at all.". 1- 1 1/2″ PVC Pipe Trust the experts and browse all our products. Ground plane kit for the Imax-2000. Universal FireFly™ No-Ground Plane CB Antenna Kit by FireStik®. CB Antenna Mount's | Adapters. Ground plane kit for the Imax-2000. Lightweight at only 6 … PURPOSE: The FGX-648 (where X = antenna length in feet) series, 'No ground plane" (NGP) CB antenna kits were specifically designed to solve the problems associated with the lack of ground plane (counterpoise). PC31-3004. Here is where base-loaded CB Antennas usually work well. $42.08. The 102" whip needs a ground plane to correct swr and push the antenna radiation pattern up. The Boomer is an aluminum Ground Plane Radial Kit for the Antron 99, Shakespear Big Stick, and other fiberglass base antennas. The braided wire which forms the outside conductor of the coax is … Antennas - CB, 10 meter, Cellular, AM/FM & Scanner Antennas. The RMAT is a fully adjustable frequency antenna that can work anywhere from 26MHz to 29MHz after adjusting for SWR and requires only a very small ground plane. Simple CB Base Station Antenna: This is a simple base station CB antenna You can make in 30 minutes out of a bit of PVC pipe and fittings, some wire and a SO239 coax connector and a piece of coax to connect it to your radio. . This includes, but is not limited to, motorhomes, boats, automobiles and 18-wheeler trucks. It also allows me to "hear" 80 meters as if I had an 80 meter dipole up. For off-roaders tackling trails with low-hanging hazards, … Consider also that most cars have a coat of … A typical mobile CB antenna does not transmit horizontally, it radiates in a downward pattern. TRISTAR Ground Plane Radial & SWR Reducer for CB Radio Antenna Aerial 5055468308330 | eBay Simply screws into your aerial mount, be it magnetic, gutter, mirror or body. Available in 2, 3, & 4 foot lengths in the color black. Includes three 20-1/2 in. "No-Ground Plane" CB Antenna Kit. Many antennas have a ground plane built in, but in particular magnetic mounted antennas (often kitted with mobile boosters) require one be provided. A mobile CB antenna uses the car body as the ground. Another Ground plane design, CB Radio base antenna. Often the conductor is simulated by a number of radials, often a quarter wavelength long. Wilson 1000 5000 Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile Magnet Roof Trunk Chrome Ground plane Kit. ground-plane antenna: A ground-plane antenna is a variant of the dipole antenna , designed for use with an unbalanced feed line such as coaxial cable . $44.78. Fireup 99 upgrade turns a1/2 wave into 5/8wave performance. On this CB Antenna, the four radial wires are used as the ground. $42.08. $95.00 Delivery from … BWZY1468001 - UNIDEN 1.3MM DC CIGARETTE CORD FOR ATLANTIS250 & MH120 I had once used this antenna before on the roof with copper wire for ground plane radials. using a 102" SS whip. It comes complete with a mounting bracket and 4 metres of RG58 cable (no PL259 plug fitted). The parts below are what I used to build the antenna, but you can substitute most of these parts with whatever you have around your house. You may also can study client evaluations on NEW Wilson Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile magnet Ground plane Kit Wilson . A groundplane kit to allow you to use a mobile antenna in your loft etc. Wattmeter 20 … 10' 3/4 Schedule 40 PVC pipe. Workman GRK-8 Ground Plane Kit For Base Antennas. The Ground Plane Kit. Bingfu CB Antenna 27MHz CB Radio Antenna Soft Whip Magnetic Base CB Antenna BNC & PL259 Male Compatible with Cobra Midland Uniden Maxon President Portable Handheld CB Radio Car Mobile Radio Scanner. There has not been a .64 wave antenna widely available since the 70’s and early 80’s. Save 20%. Ground-Plane Kit for IMAX 2000. If you want even more out of you Imax antenna then this is the product for you. "No-Ground Plane" Firestik CB Antenna Kit. A mobile antenna should be placed in the middle of the vehicle roof to make best use of the ground plane. Includes stainless steel mounting hardware, two hose clamps, allen wrench, and four 20.5 inch radials. Heavy-Duty Mounting Plate withstands Greater Wind Loads. Includes Antenna and Ground Plane Kit. #1. Firestik CB Antennas. 1/2 Wave Antenna Handles 2000 Watts. If this type of mount is not suitable, (i.e. I will use a no-ground-plane (NGP) system and be able to use my CB. I've been thinking for some time about magnet mount mobile antennas and wondering how they establish their ground plane. 3. 6 Element Mobile CB Antenna Ground Radial Kit. Browning 8X-18 Heavy-Duty CB Antenna Coaxial Cable - 18ft. … Consider that many mag mount antennas have some kind of protective coating on the magnet. . They are made of fiberglass that is flexible as well as a coil that is designed for high performance. solarcon a-99ck 17 omni-directional fiberglass base station antenna a-99 and gpk-1. while the value may seem higher, you can get your Wilson Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile magnet Ground plane Kit on sale at a fantastic Check … Read More…. Universal FireFly™ No-Ground Plane CB Antenna Kit by FireStik®. 69. UHF Antennas; VHF Antennas; MOBILE ANTENNAS HAM. Best 10 CB Antenna for Semi Truck, Pickup trucks and Jeeps. See all 14 brand new listings. Vordeneninamy. Mar 4, 2017. Mobile CB Antennas Mobile Antenna Mounts Mobile CB Antenna Accessories Base CB Antennas Base CB Antenna Accessories. 6 Elements. Add to Compare. MHB5802. B1322NS: 132-174 MHz Mobile Base Coil NMO Mount Antenna With Spring-No Metalic Ground Plane Required. 2) If you are mounting the antenna on a mirror arm, or on a bar with enough space underneath, use a 'Ground Plane Kit.' They screw into a bracket that mounts onto the antenna mounting bracket. Check Best Price Wilson Cb Ham Radio Antenna Mobile magnet Ground plane Kit Reviews Today You can Buy Cheap Sale Deals Wilson Electronics Price is best Discover the perfect Michele for your future. Please Contact Peter for detailed information. "No ground plane" CB antenna kit were specifically designed to solve the problems associated with the lack of ground plane (counterpoise). 2 Mtr Handheld. Amateur Mobile Dual & Tri band Antennas. It accepts VHF/UHF mobile antennas with a PL-259 connector. LOT OF 10 WORKMAN CB RADIO ANTENNA SO-239 STUD MOUNT ... Browning BR-MM-18 Mirror-Mount Kit with CB Antenna C ... . You should be able to… $29.90 $40.00. Read more about the antenna ground plane. Here's a good rule of thumb with respect to grounding antenna mounts, and radio chassis. Part of omnidirectional cellular antenna design is a ground plane - or metal that reflects signal into the antenna itself.. It handles up to 200 Watts. One might look like this: The CB whip screws into the female threaded (3/8-24) stud on top, the coax feedline screws into the SO-239 coax receptacle on the bottom, and the U-bolt (it's better if there are two U-bolts) clamp this adapter bracket to a supporting mast, preferably strong aluminum or galvanized … Ground Plane Enhancement Kit. 3. Consists of a small aluminium plate (approx 6" square) with a hole in the middle to accept a standard antenna mount. improves antenna system with better ground. It resembles a coaxial antenna whose lower section consists of straight elements called radials instead of a hollow conducting cylinder. The «Super Penetrator 500 Gold» made by Hy-Gain, and a ground plane from Radio Shack called the «Crossbow .64». In short, the NGP system (we call it a system because the antenna and coaxial cable are a matched set that may not be interchanged with other non-Firestik NGP antennas and coax assemblies) is a problem solver. It is an aluminum ground plane radial kit for the Antron 99, Shakespeare Big Stick, and other fiberglass base antennas. workman wil-kit-w 6 element mobile ground radio kit (black tip covers) 6 element radial antenna ground plane kit. NOTE: We do not recommend using these mounts with 102″ mobile CB whips or mobile antennas longer than 48″. If you’re using a standard CB antenna (i.e., anything except a no ground plane, or NGP, kit), you’ll need to make sure your antenna mount is solidly grounded to the vehicle’s chassis. An antenna ground plane is not to be confused with an electrical ground. . Car Adapter Kit 1; CB (11m) Vertical 23; CB (11m) Yagi 2; CB Dipole 2; CB Marine Antenna 2; Centre Loaded 2; Coax Cable Assembly 8; Ground Plane Kit 2; Ground Wire / Counterpoise 1; Helical 1; HF Yagi 1; Mag Mount 12; Magmount Antenna 6; Replacement Whip 3; Rubber / Flexible Antennas … An antenna ground plane is not to be confused with an electrical ground. 27 MHz MOBILE ANTENNAS. But due to the mounting location, the "higher" thick base may not be an option. Element Mobile Ground Plane Radial Kit 3/8" x 24 Black Caps V10-05614.. Consider that many mag mount antennas have some kind of protective coating on the magnet. Such "ground plane adapters for CB whip antennas" are available from many sources. Building an inexpensive antenna for the CB radio base station in the house. Set the Beta match in accordance with the antenna directions for setting the initial SWR. Mobile Antenna Ground Plane Kit-NMO TO N FEMALE; Quick Disconnects; Stainless Steel Ball Mounts; Thru Body Mount NMO-UHF-3?8x24; Trunk Lip NMO-UHF-3-8X24; MOBILE ANTENNAS CB; MOBILE ANTENNAS COMMERCIAL. Order) 0:56. This unique design means Wilson antennas will last and last in the most rugged of travel… no matter where you use them. Standing 4ft in height as the name suggests, they can withstand up to 200 watts of power and has a 5/8 wavelength. This Is The Complete Bracket, Cable and Antenna Kit. A metal surface (the larger and flatter, the better) is required underneath the CB antenna to … Mobile Ham Antennas Base Ham Antennas. NGP CB antenna kits were specifically designed to solve the problems associated with the lack of ground plane. £ 139.00. Ground Your Antenna Mount. Its ground independence maintains a stable radiation pattern in all mobile mounting applications, and its robust construction ensures excellent longevity and performance. The ¼ Wave Droopy Ground Plane Antenna. Fix it, don't patch it! CB Walkie Talkie. RGPK-4G-NMO: Ground Plane Kit for 4G/LTE NMO mobile antennas. This is called the ground plane of the antenna. "No-Ground Plane" CB Antenna Kit. Tram TBFC-9 Aluminum Trucker Big Flat Coil CB Antenna 25MHz-30MHz.

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