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16 June 2021

the bird with the crystal plumage letterboxd

L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo / The Bird With the Crystal Plumage (Dario Argento, 1970) 8/10 The success of Argento's first film owes a great deal to Vittorio Storraro's camerawork, Ennio Morricone's memorable score and to it's sound design. reflexive at its core, constantly obsessing audiovisual clues in its narrative and in its form. Argento's debut and first masterpiece. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is a great glimpse of what was to come. Rarely-seen TV spot for the iconic giallo made early in director Dario Argento's career. This horror season is going to be tricky to rank since this and Candyman are tied for the top so far. An American writer (Tony Musante) in Rome witnesses a vicious attack on a woman (Eva Renzi) inside an art gallery. While walking home one evening, Sam Dalmas, an American writer living in Rome, witnesses a violent struggle between a young woman and a black-coated figure in an art gallery. Dalmas attempts to intervene but is caught between the gallery’s electronically operated glass doors, leaving the woman bleeding from knife wounds. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage feature film with audio commentary by author Troy Howarth. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Watched Oct 11, 2018. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Watched May 11 , 2021 Lara Pop’s review published on Letterboxd: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★½ . I've no idea how many times I've seen this but I still notice new things on each viewing. Tyler Shobe’s review published on Letterboxd: Didn't care for this one. It's not hard to see why this film got him noticed and set a new standard for the entire Giallo subgenre. There's also a few over the top gay and transvestite prop characters that are worth a few laughs. Review by Guilherme de Alencar Pinto. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage: Directed by Dario Argento. On this show we strive to talk about low-rent horror movies for your … While walking home one evening, Sam Dalmas, an American writer living in Rome, witnesses a violent struggle between a young woman and a black-coated figure in an art gallery. I've watched & listened to a lot of audio commentaries in my day, and they range from … With Tony Musante, Suzy Kendall, Enrico Maria Salerno, Eva Renzi. About The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) In 1970, young debut director Dario Argento (DEEP RED, SUSPIRIA) indelibly redefined the “giallo” genre of murder-mystery thrillers with CRYSTAL PLUMAGE, catapulting him to international stardom. This is not a movie for bird lovers. And, for everyone else, Blue Underground's new edition still comes highly recommended. Welcome to Bat & Spider. 07 Jul 2013 Joe’s review published on Letterboxd: Dario Argento's first film is one of his strongest. 'The Bird with the Crystal Plumage' was written and produced by the great Italian horror movie director, Dario Argento.-This movie was budgeted at around $500,000 and was a financial success in multiple countries, including the U.S.-This movie is the first release in Argento's 'Animal Trilogy'. Welcome to Giallo of the Month Club! It is the first installment in the Animal Trilogy, and was followed by The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971) and Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1972). And The Bird With The Crystal Plumage is among his finest works. In 1970, young first-time director Dario Argento (Deep Red, Suspiria) made his indelible mark on Italian cinema with My wife got me the Bird with the Crystal Plumage Arrow Video bluray for my birthday, so I spent the evening checking out some of the special features on the disc.. final acting credit: none given most desired prop: this roc talon, for the backyard Dale and Chuck talk about Dario Argento's The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970). Directed by Dario Argento • 1970 • Italy Starring Tony Musante, Suzy Kendall, Eva Renzi. Plummeting further down the rabbit hole that is Dario Argento's filmography I find myself with a film I've already heard a lot of praise for. The editing and camera work are fantastic and the murder scenes are delightful. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. Dalmas attempts to intervene but is caught between the gallery's electronically operated glass doors, leaving the woman bleeding from knife wounds. It's stressful to watch, and striking visually. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I was intrigued by the mystery for a bit after the admittedly very exciting inciting incident which is easily the best part of the movie. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) Time: 96 minutes. The bird with the crystal plumage turned out to be an ordinary grey crowned crane with regular feathers, and it was only in the movie for about 7 seconds. Mark Tinta’s review published on Letterboxd: Dario Argento's first masterpiece opened in the US 50 years ago this coming week. RhysMac77’s review published on Letterboxd: gets under your skin like all the best giallo. Watched Mar 24, 2021. Review by Tyler Shobe Pro. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★½ . "Go to Italy. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) directed by Dario Argento • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd A stunning portrait in psycho-terror! While walking home one evening, Sam Dalmas, an American writer living in Rome, witnesses a violent struggle between a young woman and a black-coated figure in an art gallery. 'The Bird with the Crystal Plumage' was written and produced by the great Italian horror movie director, Dario Argento.-This movie was budgeted at around $500,000 and was a financial success in multiple countries, including the U.S.-This movie is the first release in Argento's 'Animal Trilogy'. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage "Go to Italy, it's a peaceful country, nothing much ever happens there" Could you solve a murder? On this listener picked episode, we analyze Dario Argento's THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE / L'UCCELLO DALLE PIUME DI CRISTALLO (1970) and explore themes of perception and the unreliable eye. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Watched Jun 22, 2017. From it’s opening stalker snapshots, to the cheesy and strange ending, I was perplexed. Scores. When he delivers on something it’s truly a spectacle. Fans should not think twice about picking this up. Nothing much ever happens there!" Downloads: 2,490 Cds: 1 Comentarios: 8 Formato: SubRip Subido por: terrormovies el 09/03/2009 . Gotta love Argento. Starring: Tony Musante, Suzy Kendall, Enrico Maria Salerno, Eva Renzi. Template:Missing information Template:Use dmy dates The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (Template:Lang-it) is a 1970 giallo film directed by Dario Argento, in his directorial debut. Hooptober 2020 – Epilogue: reviews | list. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★½ Watched Jan 24 , 2021 Moepo’s review published on Letterboxd: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is a real thrill ride; subversive, full of twists and turns and memorable side characters. 'The Bird with the Crystal Plumage' was written and produced by the great Italian horror movie director, Dario Argento.-This movie was budgeted at around $500,000 and was a financial success in multiple countries, including the U.S.-This movie is the first release in Argento's 'Animal Trilogy'. THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE (Dario Argento, Italy, 1970) 7 Was told to expect something Hitchcockian, but really feels more like DePalma, most especially SISTERS, in both good and bad ways.… ‎‘The Bird with the Crystal Plumage’ review by Victor Morton • Letterboxd THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE (1970) Blu-ray/DVD combo Director: Dario Argento Arrow Video USA . The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Watched May 22, 2020. The Bird With The Crystal Plumage may have borrowed from many films that had gone before it, but it would go on to influence a great many more. Convinced that something he saw that night holds the key to identifying the maniac terrorizing Rome, he launches his own investigation parallel to that of the police, heedless of the danger to both himself and his girlfriend Giulia (Suzy Kendall, Spasmo )… Preston Firestone’s review published on Letterboxd: This movie is pretty good. The story of a very cool American author trying to leave Italy but he witnesses an attempted murder he gets caught up in trying to solve a killing spree across Rome. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Watched Aug 06, 2020. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★ Rewatched Jul 14 , 2018 Hollie Horror’s review published on Letterboxd: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (Italian: L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo) is a 1970 giallo film directed by Dario Argento, in his directorial debut.The film has been credited with popularizing the Italian giallo genre. An American expatriate in Rome witnesses an attempted murder that is connected to an ongoing killing spree in the city, and conducts his own investigation despite himself and his girlfriend being targeted by the killer. Review by Daisuke Beppu. Subtitulos de L´uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970) aka The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. Description Details Cast & Crew Extras. Argentober continues gloriously - the 14th entry - 15.10.2016 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is a a dazzling debut from the one and only Italian cinema pervert Dario Argento, the master of picture. It has enough self-awareness to present elements of satire and the absurd, paired with brutal violence. Bird With The Crystal Plumage is one of the best Giallo films that I've seen, only matched by Lucio Fulci's Don't Torture A Duckling and Argento's own Deep Red. para the bird with the crystal plumage 1970 x264 720p dts bdrip-chd bozx. Like Argento tends to play with the audience, our American writer protagonist is put in a common position: helplessly needing to watch a violent murder attempt on a woman. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★★ Rewatched Jun 06, 2020. ‘The Bird with the Crystal Plumage’ review by Daniel PG Simpson • Letterboxd Letterboxd — Your life in film Daniel PG Simpson’s review published on Letterboxd: The directorial debut of one Dario Argento and a film that embodies many of the strengths and weakness which cut through the Italian horror master's filmography. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) – Suzy Kendall. Oh and giving his girlfriend blueballs. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★★★★ Rewatched Apr 07 , 2018 Ian West’s review published on Letterboxd: It's a peaceful country. Follow the podcast on Instagram + Twitter / Follow host Dianna on Instagram + Twitter + Letterboxd / Guest Host Wade Brown + Wade's short films + … In a state of real awe. Not Quite Hoop-Tober: Day 28 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is another giallo from director Dario Argento, and by "another" I mean it was the first feature film he directed and the sixth feature film I've seen directed by him. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. Director: Dario Argento. 'The Bird with the Crystal Plumage' was written and produced by the great Italian horror movie director, Dario Argento.-This movie was budgeted at around $500,000 and was a financial success in multiple countries, including the U.S.-This movie is the first release in Argento's 'Animal Trilogy'. In 1970, young first-time director Dario Argento ( Deep Red, Suspiria) made his indelible mark on Italian cinema with The Bird with the Crystal Plumage – a film which redefined the ‘giallo’ genre of murder-mystery thrillers and catapulted him to international stardom. Initial pressings of VCI Entertainment's DVD release incorrectly restored part of the "panty murder" sequence. The shot of the killer holding the panties was re-inserted *before* he actually removes them from his victim. Some of the more recent pressings of the DVD have the scene restored correctly, in the proper order. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. A staggeringly assured debut, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage establishes the key traits that would define Argento’s filmography, including lavish visuals and a flare for wildly inventive, brutal scenes of violence. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 ★★ Watched Feb 04, 2021. 'The Bird with the Crystal Plumage' was written and produced by the great Italian horror movie director, Dario Argento.-This movie was budgeted at around $500,000 and was a financial success in multiple countries, including the U.S.-This movie is the first release in Argento's 'Animal Trilogy'.

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