“Es Skrienu” song, video now also in Estonian and English!
”Microphone Records” has released Lauris Reiniks’ Latvia’s summer hit song and music video “Es Skrienu” in Estonian and English. It has just been presented to all Estonian radio stations and TV. Estonian version is called “Ma jooksen” while the English one goes with a title “I Will Run”. The legendary Estonian writer Leelo Tungal reproduced “Ma jooksen” in poetry form. Thomas G:son from Sweden wrote the English lyrics.
Click on a picture to purchase the song!
”I am very excited about this! Singing in English was fine, nothing that I hadn’t done before, but singing in Estonian was a real challenge for me! Hard but very pleasant challenge”, says Lauris who during a recording session was supervised and corrected by Estonian theater artist Maret Kukkur!
“I truly believe that Latvia and Estonia have many things in common and “Ma jooksen” song and video will be understandable also for Estonian people. Estonian language is hard, but sounds very nice. I hope Estonians will like and dance to this happy and positive summer song just like Latvians do it this summer! I am not Estonian and you may tell that when listening to the song. I tried my best to sound as good as possible, so hopefully you won’t be too critical about my accent ”, says Lauris.
“I would like to thank all the great people who were involved and helped me to bring this a little crazy idea into reality- Eva-Maria Eensalu, Mrs.Tungal, Thomas G:son, Maret Kukkur, Diāna Briede and also Elina Joenurma and Jakko Maltis who did a great job in dubbing our voices in Estonian for the music video! Thank you all very much!”
As we remember, Lauris Reiniks new single “Es Skrienu” (I’m running) in the first week of release set a record as this year’s most often purchased song during the course of a week in Latvia. Official Music Video was among the most watched videos in a single day on YouTube, rising to 16th place. During the course of the week, it rose to 82nd place among the world’s most often watched videos.
So enjoy the song and the video! “Ma Jooksen” and “I Will Run”!